If you have some finish carpentry projects around the house, consider tackling them yourself. You can save yourself some serious money verses hiring a carpenter and gain valuble experience. At finishcarpentryhelp.com I have supplied a lot of free step by step instructions and information and advice for the do it yourselfer and don't worry if you don't know how to do it. Finish carpentry is not that difficult if you apply the methods I explain and use myself.
For one of these projects it does however take some tools. If you don't have the tools consider borrowing them. Tools rarely break so you don't have to worry about that. If you are considering buying some of the tools read thru some of the information provided about the tools. You could also rent the tools for a fraction of the price of buying or even consider buying remanufactured tools, they can be quite a bit cheaper and still will do the job and last.
Knowledge and experience is power and picking up just a little of this trade can earn you some money. For example maybe you know a friend or relative that needs a door adjusted or even installed. Closet doors are another one that don't seem to stay in adjustment. After you research and do a few projects you will be surprised at what you can do.